Have I mentioned that our lives are INSANE?!
We've had an exciting few weeks in the Zeets' household. Seems all the drama paid off for miss Abby as she was cast as the orphan Molly in our community theater production of Annie! The role, as Danny says, was made for her. Molly is the smallest orphan who drives everyone crazy. She's whiny and bossy (hhmm....can you say type-cast?!) We are very proud of Abby, because although she is a lippy little freak, she does work extremely hard at everything she does and very much deserves this part.
I'm also very proud to say that Danny has been accepted to Loras College! Loras is a Catholic college about an hour and a half from home. It's small, intimate and will be a good fit for him. The only hold up might be the cost. Private college is quite expensive (so if you'd like to make a donation to the Danny Zeets' scholarship fund, hit me up!). We're hoping for the best come financial aid time and we are feverishly filling out scholarship applications!
And Tommy is still just my sweet and darling little Tommy! Although his new favorite phrase is "Oh, snap!"
Now for the biggest news! A few weeks ago, my phone rang about 7:50am. Who the hell calls me at that time?! Don't they know I am in psycho mom mode trying to get the kids ready for school?! After I took the munchkins to school. I came home, checked the caller ID to see that it said Time Warner...and there was a message on our machine. As the message began to play, my heart started racing!
"Hi Annie, this is Shana from the Anderson Show. We received the question you submitted to Ask Anderson and I would love to talk to you more about it. Please give me a call back..."
I was in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!! I also noticed that Shana has e-mailed me the same information. They must really want me!! I immediately called Shana back. She was very nice, but also has an unfortunate last name (which I will leave out to protect her identity and so all my smart ass friends won't be able to comment on it!). She was very sweet and told me she loved my question to Anderson. The question I asked was, "In high school, my journalism teacher taught me that the three rules of journalism are Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy. What rules are most important to you as a journalist?" I know....fabulous question!! (I totally rock!) Shana then went on to say the show was trying to get it lined up that I could Skype my question to Anderson!! What?! (my first thought was, crap I can't lose 50 pounds by Monday!). She asked if I was available between 6am and 10am Monday morning. Why yes, I think I can make myself available at that time. She did say that there was a possibility that the Skype thing might not work with Anderson's busy schedule, but could I e-mail a picture of myself to them to use just in case Anderson wasn't available. (would it be totally bad if I sent a picture of Jennifer Aniston instead of myself?) So I emailed a picture (not a good one....I am so not photogenic) and waited for Shana to get me more details. Long story short, Anderson had to fly to Vegas to be the moderator for the Republican Presidential Debate (those guys are always screwing up my life! no offense to any of my republican friends...joking....not really). She politely told me they may use my question some other time and she'd be in touch. Haven't heard anything since (probably saw my picture and thought hell no!). The good news....I'm quite certain Anderson has now heard of me. And his talk show has replied to another one of my tweets since then too. My new plan is to try and get him to have lunch with me when I am in New York in December, I know that sounds crazy, but if anyone can make it happen, I think it's me! (maybe my new title should be professional stalker!)
On a side note: What the hell is up with Kim Kardashian and her divorce?! Not like I thought the marriage would last, but come on, 72 days?! There are things that have been in my fridge longer than 72 days! (gross, yes, but it's my reality.....guessing the mother of the year people have been reading my blog and decided to strip me of my title thanks to my admittedly poor housekeeping skills and use of foul language...damn!)
I hope your lives are going well. I promise to write more. If you need me, I am usually at the theater with Abby and for those of you that are local....Annie tickets are on sale! Call the Waterloo Community Theater at 291-4494, Show opens December 9th!
And Anderson, if you're reading this (which undoubtedly you are) hit me up! Find me on facebook or tweet me @annizeets.
Peace out homies!