Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Let's face it...we all love the Olympics!

Hello my friends! Can you believe summer is coming to an end? Time goes too fast these days. Although I am more than ready for Abby and Tommy to go back to school. Good luck to their teachers...they are your problem from 8:30-3:30 every day, Yippie!!

So who else has Olympic fever?!  There is nothing I love more than the Olympics (well....I really like cookie dough ice cream and I also really like strawberry margaritas, oh and I love my family too, I guess).  But seriously, the Olympics make me happy.  Is there anything better than seeing our American athletes on the medal stand? When they win the gold and they play the National Anthem, aren't we all reaching for the box of Kleenex?  The Olympics remind us that hard work and dedication can actually pay off.  It gives kids something to believe in and to know that you can follow your dreams.

The Olympics also give us some delicious eye candy!  I mean seriously, those male swimmers are almost too pretty to look at!  I've always been a fan of Michael Phelps. How can you not like this guy? He's cute, well-spoken and seems like he's just a cool dude.  But then came Ryan Lochte.  I have to admit that I do enjoy watching him swim and was really starting to think he might be the guy for me (and by guy for me, I mean someone to look up to as a role model, of course.....) but then it happened.....I heard him speak.  Let's just say this guy really likes himself.  My advice to Mr. Lochte; stick to swimming and looking hot, do not speak as it completely shatters the illusion. (I think I'll just mute my TV when he is interviewed and enjoy the view instead!)

With that being said, there are a few things that I would like to see change at the Olympics.

1. The whole top 2 gymnasts from each team make the individual finals is horse shit! (excuse my French).  Let the top 24 compete!! This is not just because I am bitter about Jordyn Wieber...well, yes it is.  I just know that in other sports, the top scorers are the ones who advance.  Get with the program gymnastics people and do the right thing!  And can we just go back to scores that are easy for the audience to understand?? Remember when it was 9.7 and the infamous perfect 10?? Ah...the good old days (man, I am getting old!) 
New Fab 5! 

2.  The opening ceremonies need to be, well, better! I know it's London and the British are not as showy as the rest of the world, but come on!  When the best part of the opening ceremony is Mr. Bean I'd say, London, you have a problem!  How about hiring someone like Peter Jackson to produce the opening ceremonies? Then we'd have Hobbits and rings and maybe even dinosaurs. I think they should have had Harry Potter come flying in on his broomstick with a flaming arrow to light to Olympic flame...that would have been awesome! 

3.  The U.S. outfits......BORING! Not only were they made in China (oops..) but the outfits the athletes wore for the parade of nations were so BLAH! We looked like flight attendants and waiters.  And what's with the hats?!  They look like old school golf hats ( isn't even an Olympic sport!).  And those boring grey jackets the athletes wear on the medal stand....certainly don't look very patriotic.  Next time, we need to get Clinton and Stacey from "What Not To Wear" involved in the decision making.  Or get the original Fab 5 to be clothing consultants (editor's note: the original Fab 5 are Ted, Kyan, Carson, Thom and Jai from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.  They would certainly bring some fabulousness to the attire!).  A side note about the outfits: My 8 year old little darling, sweetheart, quiet pumpkin Tommy claims he will no longer watch beach volleyball since there are no bikinis (he is his father's son!)

Original Fab 5

4.  NO SEACREST!  Aahh! Why in the hell did NBC hire Ryan Seacrest to be part of their Olympic team?  The man (and I use that term loosely) is such a cheese ball!  I know we live in a world where the line between news and entertainment has become blurred, but you fire Ann Curry and pick up Seacrest?! I just don't get it! Wonder what Bob Costas has to say about this? I sit here watching the Olympics as I type, I think about how some things in my life would be very different if I had the drive and dedication of an Olympic athlete.  My house would be clean and organized.  I would be thin and tan.  And I would have lots of money courtesy of my sponsors!  Instead, I sit here on my ass, watching TV, eating chips (possible sponsorship opportunity from Doritoes?), while piles of dishes and laundry are waiting to be done.  I could most definitely win the gold for procrastination! Alas my only hope for some sort of glory comes in my constant pursuit to win that damn Mother of the Year award. Guessing I blew it when I threatened to spray tan Abby, get her a flipper (editor's note: a flipper is a set of fake teeth for the under 15 crowd) and sign her up for Toddler's and Tiaras (although, the little diva might actually like to be in a pageant).

Until next time my friends......
Peace, love and TEAM USA!

Annie :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Change is coming.

Hello my friends!

It has been months since my last post, but I have been a busy girl. (and I mean it this time...I've been busy doing more than watching The Real Housewives and Anderson Cooper).

Here's a quick recap of what's been happening:

First...I made it through all the senior hoopla and graduation in relatively one piece!  Danny was even chosen by his classmates to speak at graduation. He did an amazing job and I barely shed a tear during the speech. (probably because it was a very comedic speech...which he got approved by the principal and he DID receive his diploma after!). 

the family at graduation
Next came summer and The Wizard of Oz.  We're in the last week of the show, but it has been an awesome experience for Abby.  She really loves being involved in the theater and that love is very evident when she hits the stage.  Of course, I graciously volunteered to help with hair and to wrangle the munchkins during performances, so I have been at the theater all summer as well.  It's been so fun meeting new people and making new friends!
Abby as an Ozian

If you're wondering if my children are still smart asses.....please read the following transcripts and judge for yourselves:

Me: "Abby, why are you carrying those scissors around?"
Abby: "I don't know."
Tommy: "She was going to stab me!"
Abby: "No I wasn't. Well, maybe."

Abby: "Abby likes the potatoes."
Me: "Abby, stop referring to yourself in the third person. You don't even know what third person is."
Abby: "Oh, Abby knows what third person is."

Danny to Tommy: "Oh snap!"
Tommy to Danny: "I'm gonna oh snap your face!" kids are still smart asses, but I have to admit, I kind of love it (I appreciate a witty comeback!)

Anyway...change is coming soon to my house.  Danny leaves for college exactly a month from now.  It's really starting to hit me and I have to say my heart is breaking.  I've known this day was coming, and some days, trust me, I am ready for him to be gone.  And although I know he's certainly not leaving forever, I also know things will never be quite the same.  I worry that Brian hasn't done his job as a parent preparing him for the next step.......(hahaha! KIDDING....just making sure you're still with me!).  Of course, I mean that I worry BOTH of us as parents have not done our job well enough.  Is Danny really ready for this?  Will he be ok?  Will he remember to brush his teeth and change his socks? (actually this is one of my worst fears....please Danny, promise Mommy you won't be the smelly kid on campus!!!).  This is where it becomes hard for me to let go.  I may have mentioned in the past that I am a bit of a control freak (as always, please keep all comments to yourselves!) so the idea that my child (who is really an adult) will be on his own, and I have no control over his day to day decisions and choices is totally freaking me out.  So for now, I need to have faith in my son.  Faith in the fact that he is an amazing, intelligent and driven young man who will work hard to be successful.  Faith in the fact that we have been good parents.  We aren't perfect, we've made mistakes (I haven't made nearly as many as Brian...again...KIDDING), but we've done the best we can.  We'll all survive this transition...but feel free to bring me lots of wine and chocolate to ease my pain.  I also really enjoy case you were wondering :)

I hope this blog finds all of you enjoying your summer and surviving the heat!  This summer gives new meaning to the term "hot mess'!

Until next time my friends...stay cool and rock on!

Oh...and Anderson, although I know now that I am not your type, I'd still love to hear from you. Call me, find me on facebook or tweet me :) You'll always be my silver fox! (he really is an attractive man!)

Annie :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Hello strangers!

I know it's been WAY too long, however I am a busy girl!

Since we last chatted, I have been to Disney World, had one kid make first communion and I am currently in the midst of making plans for graduation.  Life is crazy!!

Disney World:
Well, believe it or not we survived the trip to Disney and the kids actually got along fairly well.  I am happy to report that Abby did not do much singing in the car, which made all of us very happy. ( I should tell you that I told the kids that every time someone asked "are we there yet" they owed my $1....I know, I'm a genius!).  The only time things got "tense" was when we were driving through Atlanta.  Who the hell would want to live there and deal with that traffic?! husband likes to speed up, then slam on the brakes while we are in bumper to bumper traffic going 20 miles an hour.  I very politely (well...screaming and using profanity) kept asking him to stop it until I was banished to the back seat (like putting behind you will shut me up!  I was also able to kick his seat at this point....bonus!).

Florida was awesome!  We went to Cocoa Beach and Kennedy Space Center before heading to Orlando.  We did Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom at Disney.  Also did Universal Studios and Sea World. Here are a few Disney observations/experiences:
At Cocoa Beach

* Magic Kingdom is small, crowded and really for the under 9 crowd.  It's also kind of outdated.  Example:  I am sure that 25 years ago It's A Small World was a really cool ride.  Today, not so much.  Kids are used to graphics, 3D, in your face stuff.  Small World is NOT that kind of ride.  Tommy was sitting in the boat, arms crossed, rolling his eyes the entire time.  He finally said, "What is this ride?" (meaning what the hell is this and why are we here?).  They are doing some updating at Magic Kingdom, but many of the rides just don't have that WOW factor.  I will tell you that the light parade, fireworks and castle show at the end of the day are fantastic!!! But plan to get a spot to watch about 2 hours before the show.
Magic Kingdom

* My next statement will be please don't judge me.  If you require a motorized scooter to get around, Disney is NOT the place for you!  People on those things do not pay attention and bully their way through the crowds.  We saw someone run over a stroller and someone's foot.  It was insane!

* Abby is just as talented in Florida!  Abby auditioned for the American Idol Experience at Hollywood Studios.  She was too young to make it into the actual show, but man did the judge love her! She walked in, had a conversation with the judge about what kind of music she likes (for the record, she said she hates Justin Bieber, but likes Adele, Bruce Springsteen and Barbara Streisand).  Then she busted into an acapella version of "Don't Rain on My Parade".  The judge was almost crying and told she has "it" and made her promise to come back when she's 14 and can be on the show.  It was super cool!

Our American Idol

* The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was AWESOME!  However, the lines were the longest of anywhere we went. (2 hours to get into Hogwarts, or the warthog according to my dad, to get on the ride).  What I can tell you is my little kids were barely tall enough for the ride (and when I say barely, I mean they were maybe a centimeter over the measuring bar).  The ride was the best ride I have ever been on, but I felt like a horrible mother, as it was scary and basically tipped you upside down in these car things.  I was so scared that Abby was going to fall out!!!! (yep...mother of year yet again!).  But the kids got wands (I really wanted a wand but Brian was making fun of me) and we got our picture taken with the Hogwart's Express.  It was the best!
Hogwarts Express

I'm really glad we were able to take the kids on this trip.  As I mentioned before, we are getting close to Danny's graduation and it's really starting to hit me that he's leaving us. I am so excited for him to take the next step, but at the same time, my heart is screaming NO!  I won't miss dragging his ass out of bed every morning (he is NOT a morning idea where he gets that, I am overly pleasant in the mornings....please note the sarcasm in that statement).  I won't miss doing his laundry.  And I won't miss fighting with him about keeping his room clean (god help his poor roommate).  But there are so many things I will miss. I'll miss his sense of humor (he's hilarious, just like his mama!).  I will miss our late night heart to heart conversations.  I will miss his friends stopping by and playing with the kids (especially Drew who likes to come have light saber fights with my husband!).  I will even miss him fighting with the munchkins.  Although I know he isn't leaving forever, I also know things will never be the same.  I don't do well with change, so this will be very hard for me.  I cried when I ordered the graduation announcements, cried when they came in the mail, cried when he brought home the cap and gown and cried when he was awarded his scholarship.  I am a pretty emotional person anyway, but this is just killing me (quite confident Brian thinks I've lost it completely)!
Our handsome graduate

On a completely different topic; Should we get Tommy a Russian Dwarf Hamster?  The kid has been begging for one all year (they have one in their classroom...thanks a lot Mrs. McClain!).  Tommy did a report on lions.  I'm reading it and he has lots of information that he plagerized from a book.  The end paragraph said...
"Lions are cool, but I would not want one as a pet because it would try to eat me.  
I'll take a Russian Dwarf Hamster instead."
He's also saved up his money and a stack of coupons from Petco.  The plan being, that once Danny turns 18, (in like 4 weeks) he can go adopt the hamster for him and Tommy will pay him extra to do it (gotta admit, the little shit is kind of a genius).  I have told Danny and my mom (because she is a sucker...all Tommy has to do is look like he's going to cry and she's done) that if either of them show up with a hamster, we are done! (I don't think my mom is afraid of me....but Danny might be).  Brian says we can get a hamster if we get rid of the dog (which would be such a sacrifice for Brian who loves that dog so much...NOT).  Well, I am not getting rid of Murph. And I'm not too keen on the whole hamster thing, but Bubba doesn't ask for much and I know how much he wants this, so I just don't know what to do!  HELP!

I hope to write more soon, but my May is pretty full.  Just know that my kids are still smart asses, Brian still hates the dog and I am still a fabulous domestic goddess!

Hope your life is as crazy and fun as mine!

Peace Out!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Lent and FAFSA and Disney...oh my!

I'm back!  Miss me?

Well let's see, life is still crazy as ever in the Zeets' household.  Kids still fight all the time, dog still pisses Brian off and I am still the fabulous domestic goddess and mother of the year you all wish you could be!  (Still no mother of the year award.  Guessing the committee heard that I threatened to feed Abby raw hamburger if she didn't stop being a snot.......).

Lent has begun and so far I am not doing so well with my Lenten goals.  My first thought was I would give up being nice to people (because let's face it, I am just too damn nice) and decided that was probably not the best idea I've ever had.  Though about giving up pop, but how would that make me a better person? No caffeine makes Annie even more of a lunatic that she already is and no one wants that (no comments from my family, please).  Then I thought about giving up swearing (oh hell no! I mean why set myself up to fail?).  So this year I decided to do things to better myself, instead of focusing on giving things up.  I am taking 10 minutes each day to tune out the world and spend some time with God.  It's been a challenge to find 10 minutes, but even harder to really clear my head and not think about anything except my conversation with God.  But I will keep trying!  I'm also working harder to mend some broken relationships and to make time for the people who are most important to me.  Again, not an easy thing, but I know it will benefit everyone in the long run.

FAFSA: what can I say about FAFSA except OMG?! Who knew applying for financial aid would be such an ordeal?!  Those of you who have been through this know what I am talking about.  Filling out online forms, then sending them into cyberspace, hoping they got where they needed to go.  Talk about needing to have faith....the whole applying to college, financial aid, scholarship marathon is a total leap of faith! And not to mention the amount of time all of this takes!  It's insane!! (thank goodness for wine and chocolate to help ease the pain).  The good news is Danny will be able to go to Loras and we are all thrilled!!

Did I mention we're going to Disney World for Spring Break? Well we're loading up the family truckster and heading south!  We are so excited!  However.....there is some concern that we may some "issues" with the kids during the long drive.  The "issue" is actually that we are certain Abby will drive us all crazy.  To try and defuse the situation before it begins, Danny and Tommy have put together a spreadsheet outlining who has to sit by Abby and for how long each day (it's pretty impressive!).  We've also told Abby that there will be NO singing on this trip as she tends to sing the same songs over and over and over.  Now...the kids got some pipes, but there is no reason we need to hear "Don't Rain on my Parade" for 24 hours straight! Tommy actually asked if he could some of his money to buy those expensive headphone things so he could tune her out!  On a side note....we are also going to Universal Studios to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (I best be put in Griffindor when we are sorted into houses or I'll be pissed!!) When talking about the trip with my dad, he asked if we were going to the worthog.  What the hell is the worthog?  Well, he actually meant Hogworts..ha!! (sorry, Dad, I thought it was hilarious!!).  So keep us in your prayers over break, not just for safe travels, but that we don't kill each other (well, kill Abby) in the car!!!

Speaking of Abby..check out the video of her singing with John Angotti.  She can sing!  Too bad she never shuts up!

Peace my friends!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lessons Learned

Happy New Year My Friends!

I hope this entry finds you happy and healthy after the holiday season.  A week into the new year, I find myself reflecting back on 2011 with mixed emotions.  2011 was a good year, a challenging year, a fun year and a tough year in many ways.  Here are just a few of the lessons I learned.

1. I CAN survive a plane ride!  What you may not know about me is I am deathly afraid to fly.  It has nothing to do with motion sickness, but more to do with the fear of death.  What I realized this last year was it's actually about the lack of control I have over the situation. (I know that many of you will be shocked to hear I have control issues!)  But my Mom and I went to New York in December and I got on the plane, got settled and had a really good flight.  It helped that I had Danny's iPod and could watch The Hangover (the only movie the little punk has on the iPod!) I realized that as long as I can stay focused on a task like the movie or reading my Kindle that I was ok.  Might not seem like a big deal to many of you, but this was a giant step for me.  And my mom will verify this story...I did good Mom!!

2.  I love to bake! We all know that I am NO domestic goddess.  Cooking, cleaning, laundry..hate it all! However, I spent a lot of time in December baking cookies and cupcakes for things at the playhouse and I quickly realized that I enjoyed it.  Imagine my surprise when I got up at 7:00 on a Saturday morning because I was excited to make cupcakes?!  I still HATE to cook, but making sweet treats is so fun (and a fantastic way to keep my smokin' hot body smokin'..HA!) Be sure to tune into the food Network for my new show called, "Eat My Cupcakes" (random thought....If I ever start a band I would like the name to be 'Who Ate My Poptart")

3. I'm almost a hoarder:  Almost is the key word here.  When you have lived on a limited budget for most of your married life, you have a hard time getting rid of things.  The thought is that you will use it eventually or someone you know might need it eventually.  Now that we are a 2 income household, we've been trying to clean out the basement and garage. Holy hell we have a lot of crap!  Thank god my husband likes to get shit done.  Put him on a task and he rocks!  He's also very good at saying things like, we don't need it and no one will want it.  The amount of "stuff' is overwhelming, but we are tackling the clutter one day at a time.  Now, please don't think that we sit on stacks of old pizza boxes or we have to find a corner of the bedroom to sleep in, it's really the basement and garage that need help!  I actually have furniture and you can see my floors and countertops (well...most of the time).

4.  Relationships are hard:  They take time and take a lot of work. And I'm talking all relationships.  Parents, spouse, kids, co-workers, friends....all are a work in progress and need attention.  I am lucky to have a lot of great relationships, but I admit there are some that are more work than others.  I tend to get easily frustrated with people and can often be selfish.  I need to take time to foster all the relationships in my life, good or difficult.  I really do believe that God brings people into your life for a reason and some might be there to challenge you.  Now that my kids are a little older, I hope to work on the relationships in my life.  To all my family and friends, know that I love you and I am thankful for you.  I know having a relationship with me can be tough.  Even though I really do have an awesomely super cool personality,  I know I can be high maintenance. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

5.  My kids are pretty great!  No one wants to hear people bragging about their kids, but mine are rock stars!  Danny, Abby and Tommy are the lights in my life (Abby is apparently the "noodle of light"!) All of them have a great sense of humor (they get that from me), are kind-hearted (also one of my better qualities) and are wickedly sarcastic (totally Brian).  Danny is definitely the class clown, but has a heart of gold.  He would do anything for a friend and has a deep faith that I admire.  I will miss him more than he knows this fall (yep....I'm tearing up a little). He makes me laugh and I really like him as a person.  Abby is spitfire (and I mean that in a good way) who puts her all into everything she does.  She can be very sweet (Danny would disagree with this statement) and her talent never ceases to amaze me.  Tommy is our little Bubba.  He is as sweet as he is cute. But he's also starting to come out of his shell and is really funny!  He's always willing to help around the house (the other 2, not so much) and the Swiffer is his favorite "toy".

6.  I'm addicted to The Real Housewives!  I can't help it.  Those ladies are one fantastically awesome train wreck to watch!  I am always amazed at how horrifically they treat one another but it's so entertaining!  I love all seasons (with the exception of DC...those crazy White House crashers were one of the couples and they took crazy to a whole new level!)  I like to think of myself as a real housewife.  I think Real Housewives of the CV (Cedar Valley) would be a major hit.  Come tape my family!  Watch as we sit around watching TV and eating chips.  Watch me spend 2 hours at Target (that store know you love it), watch me scrub my toilet with an SOS pad because it's been a few days and it's exceptionally gross (we've all been there, so don't judge me).  I know the show would be a huge success.  Hell, we could tape it ourselves and post it on YouTube. Who's with me?!

7.  I need to let things go:  I am an overthinker.  I tend to dwell on comments and examine why and how they were said.  I spend a lot of time rehashing these comments and I make myself crazy in the process.  I need to not take everything as a personal attack.  I need to remember that people say things they don't always mean (of course, I don't ever do this.....) and that sometimes things are said out loud that are better left unsaid.  I need to realize that not everyone will like me (not sure why, I'm pretty awesome) and that's it's ok if someone disagrees with me (but for the record, I'm usually right!). I need to get over some of the grudges I am holding on to and start the year fresh.  Time to look ahead and stop looking back!

8.  Being an adult sucks sometimes!  Remember your parents telling you that you shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow were they right!  Being an adult means bills, jobs, health issues, insurance crap, car trouble, broken appliances, a load of laundry is always waiting, dishes are always in the sink, cooking, cleaning, etc.....and then add the title of parent to that and it's a whole other set of issues, worries and stresses.  If life were like kindergarten I would be in heaven.  Coloring, playtime, snacks, recess and naps sounds pretty good these days!  Don't get me wrong, being an adult has it perks (example, Moscato wine) and I can get into R rated movies!

9.  I really would like to be a writer:  So writing this blog has made me remember how much I love to write.  I have been writing in a journal everyday since I was 16.  Writing is my therapy.  I seem to express myself better on paper.  I'm not always comfortable talking about my thoughts and feelings with everyone. Writing gets it all out of my head.  I know the things I have to say won't change the world, but I hope it might make even one person stop and think or make someone smile or laugh even if it's just for a moment.  My dream would be to turn this into some sort of career...I just haven't figured out how to do it just yet (maybe Anderson Cooper could help me!)

10.  Speaking of Anderson.....he is NEVER going to call.....damn it!  As you know I am mildly infatuated with Anderson Cooper (he is so nice to look at and so smart....sigh).  Despite almost constant stalking on Twitter (did I say stalking? I meant a few comments every once in awhile, or a few comments every day...or like 20 on New Year's Eve), Anderson has not returned my love.  It's sad really, because I am certain we would be great friends!  I know a ton about current events.  I enjoy a good political debate. And I love The Real Housewives! (Anderson is a huge housewives fan.  NeNe from the ATL is his fave!)  So we are basically the same person...although he quite rich and very famous (I'm infamous....same thing!)  Perhaps Anderson will one day stumble upon my humble little blog and see what he's been missing.  Anderson....if you're reading this....tweet me @anniezeets :)

So there you have it...what I learned in 2011.
One of my favorite quotes comes from the movie "Hope Floats" and it really sums up life.

"Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but its the middle that counts the most."
Let's all make "the middle" count this year!
Stay golden my friends!
