So who else has Olympic fever?! There is nothing I love more than the Olympics (well....I really like cookie dough ice cream and I also really like strawberry margaritas, oh and I love my family too, I guess). But seriously, the Olympics make me happy. Is there anything better than seeing our American athletes on the medal stand? When they win the gold and they play the National Anthem, aren't we all reaching for the box of Kleenex? The Olympics remind us that hard work and dedication can actually pay off. It gives kids something to believe in and to know that you can follow your dreams.
The Olympics also give us some delicious eye candy! I mean seriously, those male swimmers are almost too pretty to look at! I've always been a fan of Michael Phelps. How can you not like this guy? He's cute, well-spoken and seems like he's just a cool dude. But then came Ryan Lochte. I have to admit that I do enjoy watching him swim and was really starting to think he might be the guy for me (and by guy for me, I mean someone to look up to as a role model, of course.....) but then it happened.....I heard him speak. Let's just say this guy really likes himself. My advice to Mr. Lochte; stick to swimming and looking hot, do not speak as it completely shatters the illusion. (I think I'll just mute my TV when he is interviewed and enjoy the view instead!)
With that being said, there are a few things that I would like to see change at the Olympics.
1. The whole top 2 gymnasts from each team make the individual finals is horse shit! (excuse my French). Let the top 24 compete!! This is not just because I am bitter about Jordyn Wieber...well, yes it is. I just know that in other sports, the top scorers are the ones who advance. Get with the program gymnastics people and do the right thing! And can we just go back to scores that are easy for the audience to understand?? Remember when it was 9.7 and the infamous perfect 10?? Ah...the good old days (man, I am getting old!)
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New Fab 5! |
2. The opening ceremonies need to be, well, better! I know it's London and the British are not as showy as the rest of the world, but come on! When the best part of the opening ceremony is Mr. Bean I'd say, London, you have a problem! How about hiring someone like Peter Jackson to produce the opening ceremonies? Then we'd have Hobbits and rings and maybe even dinosaurs. I think they should have had Harry Potter come flying in on his broomstick with a flaming arrow to light to Olympic flame...that would have been awesome!
3. The U.S. outfits......BORING! Not only were they made in China (oops..) but the outfits the athletes wore for the parade of nations were so BLAH! We looked like flight attendants and waiters. And what's with the hats?! They look like old school golf hats ( isn't even an Olympic sport!). And those boring grey jackets the athletes wear on the medal stand....certainly don't look very patriotic. Next time, we need to get Clinton and Stacey from "What Not To Wear" involved in the decision making. Or get the original Fab 5 to be clothing consultants (editor's note: the original Fab 5 are Ted, Kyan, Carson, Thom and Jai from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. They would certainly bring some fabulousness to the attire!). A side note about the outfits: My 8 year old little darling, sweetheart, quiet pumpkin Tommy claims he will no longer watch beach volleyball since there are no bikinis (he is his father's son!)
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Original Fab 5 |
4. NO SEACREST! Aahh! Why in the hell did NBC hire Ryan Seacrest to be part of their Olympic team? The man (and I use that term loosely) is such a cheese ball! I know we live in a world where the line between news and entertainment has become blurred, but you fire Ann Curry and pick up Seacrest?! I just don't get it! Wonder what Bob Costas has to say about this? I sit here watching the Olympics as I type, I think about how some things in my life would be very different if I had the drive and dedication of an Olympic athlete. My house would be clean and organized. I would be thin and tan. And I would have lots of money courtesy of my sponsors! Instead, I sit here on my ass, watching TV, eating chips (possible sponsorship opportunity from Doritoes?), while piles of dishes and laundry are waiting to be done. I could most definitely win the gold for procrastination! Alas my only hope for some sort of glory comes in my constant pursuit to win that damn Mother of the Year award. Guessing I blew it when I threatened to spray tan Abby, get her a flipper (editor's note: a flipper is a set of fake teeth for the under 15 crowd) and sign her up for Toddler's and Tiaras (although, the little diva might actually like to be in a pageant).
Until next time my friends......
Peace, love and TEAM USA!
Annie :)