Well....it's been awhile, but I'm a busy woman! Plus I think you need to miss things sometimes to really appreciate them!
I pride myself on being fairly technologically savvy...at least I thought I was....until I met my match....the HTC Merge. Oh, the Merge (I refer to her as Marge) looks all shiny and pretty. But beware she is a devil who messes with your mind while all wrapped up in a glorious red phone cover!
I've wanted a smart phone for awhile, but of course had to wait until I was "eligible" for a new phone. Several years ago I had a Crackberry and I loved it. We had a really good relationship, but alas she proved to be out of my league financially, so I had to let her go. After that I had just a regular old phone with a full keyboard....which because of the amount of texting I do (which I'm certain is no more than the average teenager) I managed to rub off all the paint on the keys making it quite difficult to text since I could not see the letters. (oops!) Finally Sept. 18th arrived.....new phone day!!!! I decided right away I was getting a smart phone. Thought about the Crackberry again, but decided I wanted something similar to the iPhone (which US Cellular doesn't carry). Looked at a few with touchscreen keypads...but I really need an actual keyboard (my fingers are too fat for the touch screen!) Marge was really the only choice. But the nice (and strikingly handsome) US Cellular guy assured me it was a great phone and very user friendly (Liar!). So I purchased Marge and went on my merry way. I was SO excited about this phone (yes...I need to get a life..don't remind me).
I got home only to realize Marge didn't come with instructions (really?...thanks HTC). So I started messing around with the screen and the apps (apps are the "applications" you can download onto your phone such as Angry Birds for those of you not as tech savvy as me...Yep...I know the lingo) only to find I had no idea what I was doing. All I wanted was to change my ringtone to "I Like It" by Enrique Iglesias (best song EVER and by the way, he is another strikingly handsome man) but I could not get it to work...aaaahhh!!! Seriously this phone can locate the international space station in 3 seconds but won't let me get my jam on with Enrique?! NOT COOL! Suddenly, the phone was ringing (some awful pre-loaded ringtone) but since it's a touchscreen there's not answer button and I had no idea what to do. Then I see it says on the screen, drag down to answer....so I drag down and nothing happens. So I miss a call from my friend Carrie. She leaves a voicemail.....but how the hell do I retrieve my voicemail? My old phone you'd hit the letter "v" while in the contact list and voicemail popped up to dial. So, I tried it with Marge and Yes...voicemail popped up! So I called it and it says something like, sorry not happening. Now I'm irritated. I'm yelling at Danny to come help me (he's not happy that mom has a cooler phone than him, so he doesn't come running) but he finally comes upstairs. I ask him how the heck I get my voicemails. He looks at me like I'm an idiot (parents out there....I'm certain you are all familiar with this look) and says, "Dial your cell phone number." To which I respond, "If I dial my own number I'll get a busy signal." He says, "Mom, dial your number!" (in a quite snotty tone I might add). So I dialed my number knowing he had no idea what he was talking about............and there was my voicemail (damn it!) Danny just smiled (again parents....you know this smile) and walked away.
Back to the ringtones...I want my Enrique damn it (sorry for the swearing, but damn it!). I called Danny upstairs again and asked him to text me some ringtones. He does it, but they pop up and say download. Well I down load them, but have no clue where the went. Danny suggests I look at the app store to see if there is a ringtone app that I need to download (smarty pants). Again.....I'm schooled by my 17-year-old. There is a lovely ringtone app that I can download music and customize (sweet!) my ringtones.
Ringtone set, feeling good, I still have no idea what Marge can do, but we're trying to work things out. She gets tired easily (smart phones don't have near the battery life) and I still haven't figured out all her capabilities. (but I can check my major stocks at the click of a button...isn't there like a Real Housewives app where I can see all the latest gossip about the crazy ladies? I think people would really prefer that to a stock market app!). Oh...the coolest thing is on the home screen it shows the weather and if it's raining outside it's raining on my screen and there are windshield wipers that go back and forth...so awesome!
Just know that if you call me and I don't answer it could be that I screwed up while trying to "drag down" OR I'm just jamming out to Enrique!!
The Anderson Cooper talk show has tweetied me TWICE now! So I'm almost certain Anderson knows of me! Hey Andy....tweet me @anniezeets. I just know we could be BFF's!!
Until next time....
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