But onto the topic of the day....the dog! Murph (yes, she's a girl...we didn't name her) is a pug/sharpay mix. I think she's adorable but my husband, well he loathes this dog! It's sad really because all Murph wants is for Brian to love her and it's never going to happen. Brian's has 2 big problems with the dog: 1. She sheds...A LOT! Trust me, when I brush out this little dog with short hair, I could make another whole dog out of the hair I have brushed off Murph. It's crazy. I admit the shedding bugs me too, but that's why God invented lint rollers and vacuum cleaners. 2. She snorts, she snores, she sneezes, she grunts and she barks. Murph is one noisy dog. She sounds like a pot bellied pig! Pugs are known to have breathing issues and Murph is no exception. She might be the loudest sleeping dog in the world. Her snore is worse than any grown man (I wonder if they make Breath Right strips for dogs?) She scares my poor niece to death because she quote, "sounds like a monster." Brian is a light sleeper to begin with, so when Murph starts sawing logs, Brian loses his patience.
Murph is an older dog....we think she's about 8. I notice that she's become a little skiddish when it comes to noises. And when I say skiddish, I mean she tears through the house, barking like a maniac and often trying to claw through the window screens to attack a falling leaf. As you can imagine, barking dog equals pissed off husband. (excuse the language....but the word fits the situation so I don't consider it swearing!) I'm sure the neighbors have a good laugh when the windows are open and Brian is yelling at the dog. (side note.....I often shut the windows if I'm going to yell at my children.....I'm a polite neighbor or paranoid mother, not sure which). I'm also certain the dog thinks her name is Stupid as Brian is always yelling "Stupid dog" (sorry...I know stupid is not a nice word, but I'm laying our life out there...the good, the bad and the ugly). Sometimes at night, Brian will be sitting on the couch watching TV and Murph will come right up to his legs (she's a little bit like a cat sometimes) and snuggle around them. His standard response is, "Get that %$%& dog away from me!" We all roll on the floor laughing because it happens almost every night! "She just wants you to love her! She's like the little black sheep child who longs for her Daddy's love and affection," I say to Brian. He doesn't think I'm funny (which is crazy because I am hilarious!)
Several weeks ago, I was cruising around Target (my home away from home) and stumbled upon a deal on a large package of Swedish Fish. The deal was too good to pass up, so I grabbed a bag (I'm a bargain shopper!). I came home and could not wait to break open those tasty little fishies (I have food issues....topic for another day). So later on, I settled into my evening with Anderson Cooper
(Anderson, if you're reading this....hit me up! Tweet me @anniezeets or find me on Facebook) followed by The Real Housewives of New Jersey (my guilty pleasure is reality TV. Makes me feel better about my own life. I also LOVE Strange Addictions...I mean really, who eats their husbands ashes?!) and of course I had my fishies. I ate way too many fish and passed out on the couch. What I didn't realize was I left the open package of fish on the floor and my dog ate the entire bag of fish! I woke up to Murph hacking up a nasty pile of red fish (sorry for the graphic....just trying to paint a picture). I was instantly pissed (again....needed to be said)....not worried about the poor dog....pissed that the dog had eaten all my fish!!!!! Not cool, Murph, not cool! Then I found myself yelling at the dog like she's one of my kids. "MURPH, I cannot believe you ate my fish. I'm the only one that takes care of you in this house and you do this to me!" (yep....officially on the crazy train).
So there's a little bit about our family pet. I should also add that Brian would never hurt the dog. He is a gentle guy but isn't much of an animal person. To each their own, I'm not much of a cleaning or cooking person (I know....so shocked my mother of the year award STILL hasn't arrived!)
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me and Murph...horrid picture of me but the only one I could find w/the $%#@ dog! |
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